Sunday, June 14, 2009


Make-A-Wish Benefit Festival and Children’s Art Expo

Downtown Winston Salem, NC

June 7, 2009 1-5PM


My Mom and I went to Winston Salem to work with the 10th annual MAW festival!  Outback Steakhouse had lunch set up for everyone (ribs, chicken, potatoes, and slaw) they always do a great job of sponsoring events for this particular MAW NC chapter!  There was ice cream, a silent auction, and raffle prizes!  A great 2-man band performed for the crowd!  They also had starbucks and krispy kreme set up in the Corpening Plaza downtown Winston Salem!  A lot of wish kids were there with their families enjoying all of the festivities and making all kinds of creative art-wear (like hats, jewelry, and signs)!  Since it was Sunday, a lot of the Volunteers had come to not only work, but also enjoy the afternoon so I was introduced to a lot of new volunteers who work hard for MAW!  I helped Don, the leader of this chapter MAW, with the raffle prizes and give away!  Shortly after we raffled everything off, he introduced me to the crowd and I was able to say a few words!  I always love to get to publicly speak to the crowd because I was able to thank everyone who helps make events like that possible, the staff and volunteers and all of the wonderful families and kids!  This is an amazing organization, I enjoy working with them!  It was a very successful event!


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