Friday, June 26, 2009

Victory Junction Gang Camp



Tuesday evening was a very special night for me!  I had been introduced to the CEO of Newman’s Own Foundation, which runs the Victory Junction Camps!  He had invited me to visit the camp in Randleman, NC.  My Mom and I went to the Camp for their special night for the campers called NASCARNIVAL!!  For those who aren’t familiar with the Camp, it is a camp that is geared towards children from the ages of 7 up to 15 who suffer from diseases, cancer, or any disorder that might prohibit them from a “normal” childhood experience, like going to camp!  This camp was built in 2004 in the memory of NASCAR driver Adam Petty!  His Dad Kyle Petty and his wife come to a lot to visit the campers!  We arrived at 6PM and were given a tour of the camp by Amanda, and we visited with their new intern, Ellen!  The tour was amazing; we looked through most of the campgrounds and watched a ten-minute video showcasing the difference this camp has made in the lives of over 6,000 campers since it was open!  Then we went through all of the buildings, some including the “Body Shop,” their hospital with Doctors who can do everything from chemotherapy to a band-aid on a knee!   We also saw the Harris Teeter pit stop, the Tony Stewart Maze, of course everything looked like a racetrack with lots of racecars!!  It was so cool; we even got to see the petting zoo with the two new baby Pigs!  They had an authentic Wells Fargo Carriage, as well as Taylor Swift’s (Donated by her) Pink truck!  At the Carnival they had Popcorn, cotton candy, ice cream, and a Krispy Kreme dipping station.   They had two hot air balloons that they had the kids up in for a short amount of time!  They had a pit crew there showing the kids a “real life” pit stop at a race, with the number 45 car!  Before the Carnival kicks off we danced together in the dining hall!  We had a great time, although I have to admit the videographer got some great footage of me looking very silly!!!  I didn’t know what I was doing, the kids were trying to teach me as we went along but I think I was a lost cause!!!  I met a lot of campers, signed a lot of t-shirts and water bottles but I have to admit it was a first when this cute little boy asked me to sign his sunglasses =) I loved that!!! They were so sweet, and very inspirational to me!  I enjoyed my time at VJGC so much I am going back several more times throughout the rest of the summer!  Every year this camp has about 2,000 plus campers and every camper per week it costs about $2500 for them to be there, but none of the campers have to pay because so many sponsors throughout the world and nationwide help to support these kids and make it possible for them to attend the camp!  It was Mrs. Petty who said she wanted to have a camp where the “normal kids” were jealous of these kids, if only for a week, these kids would get to have that feeling!  I have to give credit to that, because I think of all the struggles these lovely kids have to go through and they are so strong, and brave, this camp was amazing and it was all for them!  I wished I could have gone to a camp that nice when I was younger!  There were camp counselors and administration from all over helping with this camp, and they were great with those kids (there is a 1 to 1 ratio of camp councilors to campers at this camp)!  I could go on and on about all of the things I learned at this camp, and the great job they are doing, but it truly is remarkable and something you have to see for yourself!   One thing we learned is that the big VJGC sign has a heart at the top and you always know they have campers when the heart is “beating” red!  A big thank you to everyone at VJGC for making my time there so special, it was such an honor to visit and I can’t wait to come back and visit again very soon!!!! 


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