Sunday, April 19, 2009

National Volunteer Week

April 19th-25th is National Volunteer Week!

I want to take this time to thank all the Volunteers across not just here in the US but all over the world, for their service and dedication to the people who inhabit this earth! It is because of these people, that not only are making a difference themselves but teaching others they have the power to make a difference as well, that this world is a better place. Thank you Volunteers for all your hard work!

As National Volunteer Week and Celebrating the actions of Volunteers begins, I will be traveling to our nation's capital of Washington, DC to help honor some very special volunteers! Hands on Network and Points of Light Institute has asked me to be a part of the Extra Mile Ceremony on Wednesday April 22, to help induct nominees as well as attend the reception on Capitol Hill to honor special senators for their part in the Service America Act, that evening. I am so honored to be a part of the Volunteer Center, representing Greensboro and North Carolina in Volunteer Efforts as well as their national affiliate The Hands on Network and their international affiliate Points of Light. We need to continue helping people become "points of light in their communities," to help the success of volunteer efforts throughtout the world!
Thank you again to all the volunteers! Help Celebrate National Volunteer Week by logging on to the Hands on Network website and downloading the Celebrate Volunteers Toolkit!

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